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Le Fil d'Ariane d'un voyageur naturaliste

6 mois avant le Sommet climatique de Lima (COP 20), l'Etat péruvien adopte une loi pour faciliter l'extractivisme

13 Août 2014 , Rédigé par Béthune

While facing the coming COP 20, Peru must rectify the extractive model that exacerbates the global climate crisis.


Servindi, 7 July 2014.- The Unity Pact of National Indigenous Organizations of Peru called today on President Ollanta Humala not to enact the Bill 3627/2013-PE approved yesterday by the Standing Committee of Congress (Comisión Permanente del Congreso). 

This new norm is titled: Establish tax measures, simplify procedures and permits for the promotion and revitalization of investment in the Country (Establecer medidas tributarias, simplificación de procedimientos y permisos para la promoción y dinamización de la inversión en el País).

The measures relating to environmental management contained in the initiative were approved with the vote in favor of only eleven lawmakers.

For the Unity Pact the decision represents “a huge environmental setback and a blow to the democratic rule of law because it violates the Constitution and also a number of principles and instruments that protect life and the environment.”


Suite de l'article sur Servindi.org: link

Sur le même sujet: James Petras: Latin America and the Paradoxes of Anti-Imperialism and Class-Struggle: http://petras.lahaine.org/b2-img/petras_paradoxes.pdf


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