The vessels plan to catch minke whales in the sea within a radius of 90 kilometers from the port in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, so they can analyze their stomach contents and use the gathered data to manage marine resources, according to the Association for Community-Based Whaling.
Entre la chasse "scientifique" à la baleine, Fukushima et la démographie négative: le suicide collectif japonais
6 Avril 2018 , Rédigé par Pierre-Olivier Combelles
Amaterasu (天照), déesse du soleil et de l'univers, sortant de la grotte Ama-no-Iwato ou elle était cachée. Les maux qui frappent les Japonais et à travers eux les autres hommes et la nature sont le châtiment des fautes qu'ils ont commises à l'encontre d'Amaterasu, en violant l'ordre naturel qu'elle incarne.
La chasse traditionnelle des baleines par les Japonais, qui comportait des rites funéraires, est devenue aujourd'hui destruction et suicide collectif.
And then there were whales: "Important rituals are performed at Buddhist temples after the [whaling] season. To prevent a killed whale turning into a 'hungry ghost' (gaki) that may cause accidents and disease, it may receive a funeral similar to a human being's. The whate is give a posthumous name (kaimyō) that is inscribed on a memorial tablet (ihai) and registered in the death registry (kakochō) of a Buddhist temple. Moreover, memorial rites (kuyō) are held where temple priests recite from the sacred osegakikyō sutra, which is also recited for human beings lost at sea... At least twenty-five memorials and festivals (matsuri) are held every year in Japan to honour killed whales. Tombs and memorial stones for whales exist in forty-eight locations... A tomb in Kōganji (a temple dedicated to whales in Yamaguchi prefecture) marks the burial site of whale foetuses and has been declared a national historical monument. Towards the end of April, several temple priests read sutras for several days and nights to help the whales be reborn in a higher existence." (Quoted from: Unveiling the Whale: Discourses on Whales and Whales by Arne Kalland, p. 156)
Bateau de Sea Sheperd aux prises avec un baleinier japonais faisant de la chasse "scientifique" ("Research"). Source:"
(6 avril 2018) SENDAI. Japanese ships left a port in northeastern Japan on Thursday to conduct what the government calls research whaling off the coast in the Pacific Ocean through late April, a whaling group said.
Commentaire de Peter14:
"It is clear to most that Japan has never halted commercial whale hunting. Changing the name to "Scientific research" fools nobody. Japan kills more than it can eat now anyway so why bother changing the name back to "Commercial whaling"? The Idea of killing even more whales that will never be consumed, just for the sake of it, is terribly confusing.
Spend money on the fleet. Spend money on wages. Spend money on keeping uneaten meat frozen. Spend money on continually increasing stocks of frozen whale meat until you need to either throw it away or increase your freezer capacity to hold more uneaten meat. I just dont get it. Is this all just a way to keep a dead industry afloat? Surely the best option is to retrain in other industries that have a future and let whaling die out as another anachronistic industry past its use by date. Or do some people just hate whales so much they want to kill them all?"
Remerciements à Alain Sennepin:
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