Paul Craig Roberts ; President Biden Is a Tool of Big Pharma
2 Février 2022 , Rédigé par Pierre-Olivier Combelles Publié dans #Opération Coronavirus, #Paul Craig Roberts
President Biden Is a Tool of Big Pharma
Paul Craig Roberts
The lunatic occupant of the Oval Office has arbitrarily yanked from use the only “establishment approved” Covid treatment, monoclonal antibodies. As Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis correctly states: Biden’s “indefensible edict takes treatment out of the hands of medical professionals and will cost some Americans their lives. There are real-world implications to Biden’s medical authoritarianism – Americans’ access to treatment is now subject to the whims of a failing president.”
Why did the White House fool do this?
For two reasons.
One reason is to strike back at DeSantis who proved that Florida did better by ignoring the counterfactural “Covid protocols” than did the states that imposed them. DeSantis proved that Trump was right: lockdowns are unnecessary and damaging. Moreover, DeSantis set up monoclonal antibody clinics in Florida that cured infected people, thus making the dangerous “vaccine” irrelevant. Biden’s evil ruling deprives Florida’s clinics from being able to save lives. Biden is causing Florida residents to die as his punishment of DeSantis.
The other reason is that Biden is a puppet of Fauci and Big Pharma. His job is to ensure maximun vaccine profits and to protect the false narrative of deception that Fauci, Big Pharma, and the corrupt medical establishment, aided and abetted by the presstitutes, imposed on trusting Americans.
If you really believe Biden was elected, you have to accept that the American voters are the most utterly stupid people imaginable.
US regulatory agencies, such as the FDA, and public health agencies, such as NIH and CDC, have become captives of the pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to regulate. Their rulings favor the companies over public health and the people they are supposed to protect.
Americans must learn that they cannot trust any public or private institution. Everything is driven by money; nothing by truth and the public interest. The need for money has destroyed even education. In the social sciences university professors, economists for example, bring in money by producing “studies” that serve corporate interests and global capital. Physicists are primarily dependent on federal research grants, which means they must stay silent about the fake official 9/11 narrative. Our soldiers are sent to fight to defend armaments industry profits, oil interests, and Washington’s hegemony, not someone’s freedom. Wherever you look in America people cannot say what they think without being fired. You are rewarded for lying for the controlling interest groups. All the talk about defending freedom is hogwash. There is no freedom to defend.
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