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Interview with Former Colonel of Russian Military Intelligence Service (GRU) Vladimir Kvachkov

24 Septembre 2022 , Rédigé par Le Rouge et le Blanc Publié dans #Colonel V.V. Kvachkov, #Dépopulation, #Opération Coronavirus, #Russie

Interview with Former Colonel of Russian Military Intelligence Service (GRU) Vladimir Kvachkov

Vladimir Kvachkov, March 25th, 2020.



par Le Rouge et le Blanc


  • Today, we have Vladimir Kvachkov as our guest, a Colonel of the GRU (Military Intelligence Officer), a public figure, with a PhD in Military Science.
  • (Vladimir Kvachkov). Good afternoon.
  • Yes, good afternoon, Vladimir Vasilievich. Vladimir Vasilievich, I know you served, among other things, as the leading researcher for the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies of the general staff of the Armed Forces. Considering your expertise, what do you make of the Coronavirus phenomenon ?
  • It’s exactly this perspective that you need to examine it from. Not from the public-health perspective, nor epidemiology etc. The Coronavirus phenomenon, that they falsely deem a « pandemic » needs to be examined from the perspective of global powers. Religious, political, financial, economic and national. The coronavirus phenomenon, the so-called pandemic - and let me tell you - there’s no pandemic, it’s all a lie, needs to be considered as a global strategic special operation. This is exactly how you need to think of this thing. These are command and staff exercises of the world’s behind-the-scenes powers on controlling humanity. This is what the goal of the Coronavirus is. I’ll repeat it once again, we have little faith in God and even less so in the existence of Satan, the ennemy of the human race. So, the aim of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial powers is reducing the world’s population. It’s their idée fixe. They think there’s too many of us ordinary people in the world. There should be around 100 million in their own kind and a maximum of 1 billion people on earth to serve them. Then they’ll be living in abundance here on earth. Because, us the people, the earthlings - there’s too many of us for the behind-the-scenes world powers. This is why the Coronavirus and the financial crisis that has emerged almost immediatly - they’re inextricably tied to one another. The aim is to stop people’s movement around the world, to curtail political freedoms. In political terms, it would be pratically impossible to do all that. There are differences in constitutions, wether they’re being implemented or not - that is a different question. However, there are some political rights that people are accustomed to and they believe they’re theirs to have forever. The first attempt to take away those rights from people happened on September 11, 2001. Not many seem to remember that, after the so-called attack on WTC towers, Pentagon and the White House in the USA, the global war on terrorism is declared. Let’s remember, in order to understand what Coronavirus is now, let’s analyse that first attempt - the declaration of war on humanity that was disguised as a war on terrorism. That was 19 years ago. The behind-the-scenes world powers created the events of September 11, 2001. Now they need another excuse for greater control and takeover of humanity. That’s how they came up with the Coronavirus. Basically, to put it this way, that’s not a pandemic, not an epidemic. Even now, I literally looked at the data this morning, 300 people in the world die from it daily. You can imagine what kind of scale this is. Of course, I’m sorry about each person who dies, but 300 persons across 7,5 billion people - that’s basically nothing. These command and staff exercises of the behind-the-scenes world powers have an aim to limit different political rights and make people afraid. The fools are already grabbing food in shops here… millet, buckwheat, etc…
  • Toilet paper !
  • Yeah, even toilet paper ? God ! Why ? The goal is to scare people. Once again, these are command and staff exercises of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial liberal world powers with the aim of limiting the political rights that people are basically accustomed to having. Especially in Western Europe. That’s their second goal. The first goal is to reduce the population numbers on Earth. That’s their satanic goal. The second, political goal of the behind-the-scenes world powers is to seize power, and the third goal is related to finances and power over the economy. Financial, we already know, at least those who are interested il this… Now, for every product that exists - please, give me your pencil… Okay. Let’s say this pencil costs 1 ruble or 1 dollar. Let’s say it’s. 1 dollar. For this pencil, it was issued 20 times the amount - in money, promissory notes, equities and other financial derivatives. That means, if you take the real value of this pencil - 1 dollar, it comes with different papers that carry 20 times the value. Accordingly, all the financial and economic relations have gone from the real, economy to this virtual economy. It is a financial bubble that exists now and which encompasses, I think, 1 quadrillion and 200 trillion dollars. FRS, the Federal Reserve System, literally some days ago, that was in February, I think - they introduced a zero percent interest on deposits. Now, in many countries, it’s even a negative interest rate - that is, you deposited 100 dollars and you get 90 or 95 dollars. But at least your’re still going to get it. So, we’re already getting negative rates on deposits. So, that wealth has to be deflated. How will it be deflated ? Again, through this artificial international… we see the economy has crashed, it’s clear, accordingly - we can’t meet your domestic demand like we did before, you need to tighten your belts, etc… Now is a very important moment. Note, it allegedly started in China. Even through the Chinese are now adamant and report that the Coronavirus was created artificially. It has an artificial origin - it’s proven scientifically already. Of course, in every virus, seeing that it’s the simplest kind of microorganism, as far as I remember - mutations can happen, but they’re of an accidental nature. And when you take the RNA molecule, not DNA - they have RNA - and there’s a part of the genome that’s clearly been carved out and another one inserted in its place - and this happens 3 or 4 times… it is perfectly obvious that, the Chinese scientists have figured this out - it was artificially created and purposefully spread - initially in Whuhan. They had two kinds, two virtual strains. Okay, now. And whatr about Italy ? I think now they have a few thousands infected and aroud one thousand have already died. But again, a hundred times more people die in Italy from flu, pneumonia, scrofula and hepatitis. But we don’t talk about that. Instead, we are being served special political information propaganda, psycho-informative propaganda. Special psycho-informative operation of the behind-the-scene Zionist liberal powers that are creating this terror now. This is whay we need to deal with this phenomenon, as we would with a special operation that it is conducted in the form of command and staff exercises. Now, they’re looking - who’s obeying and who’s not. In China, they introduced strict measures. But, then comrade Xi went to Wuhan and put the pro-American party faction who took that road, in their place. In China, not everything is smooth there. They have, let’s call them that - a pro-Chinese (patriotic) faction that’s somewhat close to us, which is associated with Xi Jiping. And there are obviously pro-American ex-Komsomol members that are money-oriented or simply put - have then focus on « the dough » [money]. And they, of course, tried to use the Coronavirus in Wuhan to gain certain economic and political benefits. Comrade Xi put them all in their place and, consequently, it was over with the virus in China. And then it started in Europe.  Accordingly, we as military intelligence look at « who ? » - it is obvious, and « where ? » - it is also obvious. Europe and China are two geo-economic adversaries of the USA. And this is where they injected this virus. This virus has a fourth dimension as well - the economic one. The first is the religious one - destruction of people on Earth, reducing the population numbers. The second one is to establish political control on humanity. The third one is the financial deflation of that gigantic financial bubble. And the fourth dimension is the elimination of their geo-economic competition. This I’m telling you from the perspective of an officer from the Centre for defence and Strategic Studies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. This is my assessment of the current epidemic.
  • Vladimir Vasilievich, you spoke with clarity, you laid it out military-style. Can you give us any predictions for the nearest future ?
  • In connection to the Coronavirus ?
  • Yes. What do you think, which countries could expect pressure next…
  • Russia of course. It’s going to Russia, surely. Because … for America - Russia isn’t an economic competitor. Now, the main efforts of the behind-the-scenes world powers are focused on causing disruption in China and Western Europe. And Russia is theit target on two accounts: - they want to reduce our population numbers and to cleanse the territory. That is still to come. Yes.
  • Of course, we would like to hear your opinion regarding a practical plan of action, how to act, how to protect oneself, some recommendations: Maybe, it’s not your field of expertise [of what to do], but maybe you could tell us something.
  • I’m, of course, not epidemiologist. Although, you could say I’m a parasitologist, because you have to be one in order to understand the power structures in Russia. So, I’m speaking as a military doctor - epidemiologist and parasitologist. Until we’re able to get rid of our internal parasites who rules over us, we don’t be able to tackle other parasites.


11: 13                                                THE END


NDLR: Ce texte est le verbatim (transcription) intégral de l'interview en russe et sous-titrée (fidèlement) en anglais qu'on pouvait trouver sur Youtube en 2020. Elle a été censurée depuis et elle est devenue pratiquement introuvable. Militaire et citoyen exemplaire, Vladimir Vassilievich Kvachkov  a été persécuté par ceux qui détiennent le vrai pouvoir en Russie, ceux qu'il nomme "les parasites".

Interview with Former Colonel of Russian Military Intelligence Service (GRU) Vladimir Kvachkov
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