L'écriture comme divertissement (Saint-Evremond)
"L’écriture resta néanmoins un divertissement pour Saint-Évremond qui refusa longtemps de faire imprimer ses ouvrages. Ils circulèrent en manuscrits et leur rareté ajouta au succès. On en fit, sans son consentement, des éditions peu exactes. Celle de Barbin (1668, in-12) s’enleva si rapidement qu’on se mit à imprimer sous son nom beaucoup de pièces qui n’étaient pas de lui. Enfin, il se décida à préparer avec Des Maizeaux une édition que celui-ci publia après sa mort, sous le titre de Les Véritables œuvres de M. de Saint-Évremond, publiées sur les manuscrits de l’auteur (Londres, 1705, 3 vol. in-4° ; 1708, 7 vol. in-12, Amsterdam, 1726, 7 vol. in-12, Paris, 1740, 10 vol. in-12; 1753, 12 vol. in-12)."
Source: ? Je ne me rappelle plus...
That Unfinished Oscar Speech, by MARLON BRANDO (March 30, 1973)
March 30, 1973
That Unfinished Oscar Speech
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. -- For 200 years we have said to the Indian people who are fighting for their land, their life, their families and their right to be free: ''Lay down your arms, my friends, and then we will remain together. Only if you lay down your arms, my friends, can we then talk of peace and come to an agreement which will be good for you.''
When they laid down their arms, we murdered them. We lied to them. We cheated them out of their lands. We starved them into signing fraudulent agreements that we called treaties which we never kept. We turned them into beggars on a continent that gave life for as long as life can remember. And by any interpretation of history, however twisted, we did not do right. We were not lawful nor were we just in what we did. For them, we do not have to restore these people, we do not have to live up to some agreements, because it is given to us by virtue of our power to attack the rights of others, to take their property, to take their lives when they are trying to defend their land and liberty, and to make their virtues a crime and our own vices virtues.
But there is one thing which is beyond the reach of this perversity and that is the tremendous verdict of history. And history will surely judge us. But do we care? What kind of moral schizophrenia is it that allows us to shout at the top of our national voice for all the world to hear that we live up to our commitment when every page of history and when all the thirsty, starving, humiliating days and nights of the last 100 years in the lives of the American Indian contradict that voice?
It would seem that the respect for principle and the love of one's neighbor have become dysfunctional in this country of ours, and that all we have done, all that we have succeeded in accomplishing with our power is simply annihilating the hopes of the newborn countries in this world, as well as friends and enemies alike, that we're not humane, and that we do not live up to our agreements.
Perhaps at this moment you are saying to yourself what the hell has all this got to do with the Academy Awards? Why is this woman standing up here, ruining our evening, invading our lives with things that don't concern us, and that we don't care about? Wasting our time and money and intruding in our homes.
I think the answer to those unspoken questions is that the motion picture community has been as responsible as any for degrading the Indian and making a mockery of his character, describing his as savage, hostile and evil. It's hard enough for children to grow up in this world. When Indian children watch television, and they watch films, and when they see their race depicted as they are in films, their minds become injured in ways we can never know.
Recently there have been a few faltering steps to correct this situation, but too faltering and too few, so I, as a member in this profession, do not feel that I can as a citizen of the United States accept an award here tonight. I think awards in this country at this time are inappropriate to be received or given until the condition of the American Indian is drastically altered. If we are not our brother's keeper, at least let us not be his executioner.
I would have been here tonight to speak to you directly, but I felt that perhaps I could be of better use if I went to Wounded Knee to help forestall in whatever way I can the establishment of a peace which would be dishonorable as long as the rivers shall run and the grass shall grow.
I would hope that those who are listening would not look upon this as a rude intrusion, but as an earnest effort to focus attention on an issue that might very well determine whether or not this country has the right to say from this point forward we believe in the inalienable rights of all people to remain free and independent on lands that have supported their life beyond living memory.
Thank you for your kindness and your courtesy to Miss Littlefeather. Thank you and good night.
This statement was written by Marlon Brando for delivery at the Academy Awards ceremony where Mr. Brando refused an Oscar. The speaker, who read only a part of it, was Shasheen Littlefeather
2:13: after the jokes of 1st part, Marlon Brando talks about the American Indians. Listen.
Sauvage (François Sarano)
Publié le 13/01/2017 à 15:27 | AFP
« Il y a une quinzaine de jours, j’ai plongé en apnée avec “mes” cachalots au large de l’île Maurice, raconte François Sarano. À peine sauté du bateau, un gros mâle d’environ 8 m de long vient vers moi à grande vitesse, puis me cogne gentiment avec sa tête. C’était Eliott, un individu franchement curieux. »
« Il se met à jouer avec moi, comme dans un miroir, poursuit le plongeur. Je pivote sur moi-même, il fait de même. Je nage vers le fond, il m’imite. Vers la surface, idem. Et ainsi de suite, pendant quinze minutes. Bref, une fois de plus, il manifesta un comportement exceptionnel traduisant la forte confiance qu’il accorde à un bipède vêtu d’une combinaison en néoprène noire et équipé de palmes. »
« L’histoire aurait pu s’arrêter là. Mais il me pinça puis adopta une position inhabituelle, continue François Sarano. Se dressant tout à coup dans l’eau, il ouvrit grand la gueule… et s’approcha de moi. Interloqué, je ne compris pas son attitude dans un premier temps. Tout à coup, regardant dans sa gueule largement ouverte et laissant voir ses grosses dents plantées sur la mâchoire inférieure, je vis un énorme hameçon planté dans sa gencive. Que je lui enlevai aussitôt. Le plus délicatement possible. Mais, probablement, en lui faisant un peu mal… »
Les forêts t’apprendront plus que les livres...
"Pieds nus sur la terre sacrée". Textes rassemblés par T.C. McLuhan. Photos de Edward S; Curtis. Denoël, 1974
Cavité géodique ornée de rainures et de cupules au Mésolithique. Forêt en Ile-de-France. Photo: Pierre-Olivier Combelles
Les origami du féérique jardin d'hiver de Laure Devenelle à Rambouillet
J'ai découvert hier par hasard cette exposition au centre culturel La Lanterne en me promenant dans Rambouillet, l'appareil photo* en bandoulière.
C'est une féerie de formes et de couleurs.
Voici mes photos.
Allez-vite la voir!
Et visitez ici le blog de Laure Devenelle: http://lauredevenelle.com/
Pierre-Olivier Combelles
* Fujifilm X100T, sans flash, en lumière ambiante (17h30-19H... pas facile). Certaines photos sont recadrées.
Génie des loups
Charcot (au centre, en noir) et son équipe à bord du Pourquoi-Pas ? A gauche: Paul-Emile Victor. A droite, Robert Gessain
La cabane de Paul-Emile Victor à Saint-Léger en Yvelines, derrière sa maison, où il aimait se retirer dans la solitude pour songer au Grand Nord. Photo: Pierre-Olivier Combelles
Paul-Emile Victor (au fond, près de l'âtre), l'alpiniste Maurice Herzog, "vainqueur" de l'Anapurna (à gauche,tenant la Winchester dans ses moignons. Voir sa biographie par sa fille ici: https://blogs.mediapart.fr/madame-du-b/blog/221212/un-heros-le-livre-temoignage-de-felicite-herzog-sur-son-pere et ici, plus intéressant: http://salon-litteraire.linternaute.com/fr/roman/review/1802169-heros-felicite-herzog-empetree-dans-sa-propre-fascination) et Le Cdt J.Y. Cousteau (à droite) dans la cabane de PEV à St Léger en Yvelines. Daphné Victor, la fille de PEV, a écrit elle aussi la biographie de son père: http://www.unmondedaventures.fr/lancement-de-la-1ere-biographie-de-paul-emile-victor-jai-toujours-vecu-demain-de-daphne-victor-et-stephane-dugast/
Empreinte de loup sur un sentier de portage, à quelques milles à l'intérieur des terres de La Romaine (Basse Côte-Nord du Québec). Photo:Pierre-Olivier Combelles