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Paroles de Sri Râmakrishna Paramahamsa

27 Novembre 2024 , Rédigé par Sudarshan Publié dans #Bharat, #Hindouisme, #Inde, #Religion, #Râmakrishna, #Spiritualité, #Rig Veda, #Vedanta

Paroles de Sri Râmakrishna Paramahamsa

God is our Inner Controller. Pray to Him with a pure and guileless heart. He will explain everything to you. Give up egotism and take refuge in Him. You will realize everything.


God is seen when the mind is tranquil. When the mental sea is agitated by the wind of desires, it cannot reflect God and then God-vision is impossible.


Many are the names of God and infinite the forms that lead us to know Him. In whatsoever name or form you call on Him in that very name and form you will see Him.


The companionship of the holy and wise is one of the main elements of spiritual progress.


He who from the depth of his soul seeks to know God will certainly realize Him. He must. He alone who is restless for God and seeks nothing but Him will certainly realize Him.


Yato mat, tato path “As many faiths, so many paths.”


Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886)

Paroles de Sri Râmakrishna Paramahamsa
Autel de Sri Saradadevi, épouse de Sri Râmakrishna Paramahamsa.

Autel de Sri Saradadevi, épouse de Sri Râmakrishna Paramahamsa.

Vedanta is the oldest of the major living religions of the world. It affirms that all religions lead to the same Truth — “Truth is one; sages call it by various names” (Rig Veda). Vedanta teaches that the essence of all beings and all things is Spirit, infinite and eternal, unchanging and indivisible. It emphasizes that a person’s true nature is this divine Spirit, identical with the inmost being and reality of the universe and that the goal is to actualize this truth in one’s life.


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