Asia at the centre of the new world order (Thanong Khanthong/The Nation - Thailande)
29 Octobre 2012 , Rédigé par Béthune
Le dernier sommet de l'Organisation pour la Coopération de Shangai (SCO) à Pékin en juin 2012 a inspiré ce commentaire de Thanong Khantong, chef de la rédaction du journal thailandais The Nation:
It might not be too far off the mark to stress that the SCO is contemplating a new order to replace the existing Anglo-Saxon world order, which has dominated our planet for centuries.
The existing order evolved more spectacularly after the Second World War under the directives of the US and the UK. The pillars of the present global order are the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Trade Organisation, Nato and other related international organisations. Underlying their polices are free trade, liberalisation, cooperation and liberal democracy, to bring nations under "globalisation".
But the members of the SCO are suspicious that globalisation is a ruse to bring forth a one-world currency, a one-world central bank and a one-world government under the control of the global elite.
The meeting of the SCO in Beijing took place at a historic juncture, with the existing order wobbling. The European Union is crumbling under the weight of a banking crisis and public sector indebtedness. The US is contemplating another round of quantitative easing, or money printing, to prop up financial markets and the economy. Practically all of the economies of the developed world are suffering financial distress to variable degrees, after years of financial bubbles. The modern global economy has been fashioned by money printing, public- and private-sector debt creation and bank credit expansion. The bubbles created by money printing and credit expansion popped in 2008. But the system has been propped up by endless money-printing. And the bubbles have to pop once again to create a global depression. The Anglo-Saxon order sees a one-world government and one-world currency as a way out.
The SCO repudiates this antithesis of a new world order. It has an antithesis of its own, but the East's world order is not clear as yet. But the East is finally rising to challenge the West, which has dominated this planet over the past four to five hundred years. Financially, the East remains strong compared to the West, which is now living on money printing. We learn from history that money printing eventually leads to hyperinflation. (...)
Article complet sur le site de The Nation: link
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