Claude Bourguignon: Gestion de la pathologie végétale et gestion de la pathologie humaine
Claude Bourguignon est un microbiologiste des sols. Il a travaillé à l'INRA (France) avant de quitter cet organisme, en désaccord avec sa politique.
Cette citation date de quelques années, d'avant la "plandémie" du Covid. On ne peut que faire le parallèle entre l'agriculture industrielle actuelle qui est, selon son expression "la gestion de la pathologie végétale" et la "Santé", devenue la "gestion de la pathologie humaine". Toutes deux témoignent de la même perversion. Perversion fondée sur le mensonge et la torsion du sens des mots selon la méthode orwellienne (Orwell ayant été un initié et 1984 étant un programme, comme Le Meilleur des Mondes d'Huxley), conséquences du pouvoir absolu de l'argent et de la religion du profit et de l'usure imposés par quelques-uns à l'ensemble de l'humanité.
Conversation avec Claude Bourguignon (2011). À visionner absolument:
Claude Bourguignon, c'est l'intelligence, la vraie intelligence, l'intelligence profonde, élevée, vaste, cosmique, holistique. C'est l'intelligence de la vie. Née du contact intime avec la terre. C'est la sagesse.
Général Leonid Ivashov: "L'humanité. Guerres mondiales et pandémies", "L'Esprit perdu".
Leonid Ivashov. L'humanité. Guerres mondiales et pandémies
19 janvier 2022
Leonid Ivashov. L'humanité. Guerres mondiales et pandémies. - Moscou : Book World, 2020. - 544 с.
Plus l'ère de la bipolarité mondiale avance dans l'histoire, plus la tragédie de la destruction de la puissance soviétique et du système socialiste mondial est ressentie de manière aiguë et profonde. Ce n'est pas seulement un État puissant, l'un des centres de la construction mondiale du XXe siècle, qui a disparu de la carte politique du monde, mais aussi l'ancienne humanité avec son sens de la vie, son but et ses priorités de développement, les piliers de soutien de l'ordre mondial. L'essence et le rôle des sujets du processus politique mondial et les forces motrices du développement de la communauté humaine ont changé, la diversité des formes de développement et la compétitivité des systèmes sociaux des projets géopolitiques eurasien et atlantique ont fortement diminué. Le grand capital de nature transnationale est devenu le principal sujet du processus mondial. La notion même de "développement" a également changé de sens essentiel ; on peut plutôt parler de la dégradation de l'ancien modèle du monde et de l'humanité en général. Le principe de justice dans les relations internationales a été démantelé ; le principe de non-ingérence dans les affaires intérieures des États, qui a été lancé et établi dans la Charte des Nations unies, a été détruit ; l'utilisation du pouvoir militaire et du "soft power" est devenue omniprésente. Pourquoi l'humanité en est-elle arrivée à une telle conclusion et qu'est-ce qui attend le monde ? Le colonel général Ivashov, président de l'Académie des problèmes géopolitiques, docteur en histoire, en parle dans son nouveau livre.
Traduit du russe par Le Rouge et le Blanc avec (version gratuite)
19 janvier 2022
Leonid Ivashov. "L'esprit perdu". - Moscou : Argumenty Nedeli, 2021. - 512 с.
L'homme n'a jamais pris la peine de comprendre le sens et les lois de l'univers, n'a jamais appris à vivre en harmonie avec la nature. Au contraire, il a tué, ruiné et volé. Dégradation rapide, confiance dans le "progrès technologique" (les nanotechnologies et l'intelligence artificielle sont un semblant pathétique des réalisations des civilisations précédentes).
Le livre montre toute l'impasse du cours consumériste actuel avec ses fausses théories du "milliard d'or", de la "croissance zéro (organique)" et des idées de surenrichissement. L'auteur pense que l'homme, la nature, l'univers créé par le Créateur, et au cœur de toutes choses se trouve l'énergie, mais pas la matière. L'auteur assène au lecteur une affirmation raisonnable : l'homme fait partie du domaine de l'information, et il n'est pas matériel ...
Le livre fournit de nombreuses données jusqu'alors classées secrètes, réfutant les croyances courantes, notamment la théorie du Big Bang et la doctrine darwinienne, et révèle les causes de l'état catastrophique de notre civilisation.
Traduit du russe par Le Rouge et le Blanc avec (version gratuite)
Michel Chossudovsky: Les dangers d'une guerre nucléaire (Avril 2022)
- Le budget US actuel de l'armement nucléaire est de 1,3 000 milliards de dollars (1,3 trillions de USD). Il est prévu qu'il passe à 2 trillions de dollars en 2030.
- Les nouvelles bombes nucléaires tactiques US qui équipent les forces de l'OTAN, à puissance variable, sont, dans leur version la plus basse, trois fois plus puissantes que celle d'Hiroshima.
- Pour justifier les bombardements de Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, les Américains avaient argué qu'il s'agissait de cibles "militaires", un mensonge total. Toutes les victimes ont été des civils.
- En septembre 1945, les USA (Truman) avaient un projet, le projet Manhattan, pour lancer des bombes nucléaires sur 200 des plus grandes villes russes, pour rayer la Russie de la carte, alors qu'ils étaient encore alliés.
- Les conseillers et analystes militaires US disent que les USA peuvent "gagner" une guerre nucléaire, et que celle-ci peut être menée à titre préventif. La possibilité d'une guerre nucléaire est donc acceptée d'avance, banalisée, alors qu'elle entraînerait la fin de l'humanité. La situation actuelle est donc beaucoup plus grave que lors de l'affaire des missiles de Cuba, pendant la guerre froide. Les bombes nucléaires sont répandues partout dans le monde et sont beaucoup plus puissantes qu'avant.
- Dans le capitalisme américain, la guerre est considérée comme du "business".
Visionnez ici l'entretien avec le Pr. Chossudovsky:
Ce livre reconstitue l’histoire de la course aux armements nucléaires de 1945 à nos jours, avec en toile de fond le scénario géopolitique mondial, contribuant ainsi à combler le manque d’informations habilement créé sur cette question d’une importance vitale...
Ce livre reconstitue l’histoire de la course aux armements nucléaires de 1945 à nos jours, avec en toile de fond le scénario géopolitique mondial, contribuant ainsi à combler le manque d’informations habilement créé sur cette question d’une importance vitale. Le sentiment qu’une guerre nucléaire est désormais inconcevable s’est répandu et la dangereuse illusion que l’on peut vivre avec la bombe a été créée. C’est-à-dire avec un pouvoir destructeur qui peut effacer l’espèce humaine et presque toute autre forme de vie. Nous pouvons éviter cela en nous mobilisant pour éliminer les armes nucléaires de la surface de la Terre. Tant qu’il est encore temps, le jour d’avant.
Préface de Bernard GENET.
L'auteur : Manlio DINUCCI
Journaliste et géographe, ex-directeur exécutif pour l’Italie de l’International Physicians for the prevention of Nuclear War, association qui a reçu le Prix Nobel de la Paix en 1985. Porte-parole du Comitato no Guerra no Nato (Italie) et chercheur associé de Global Research (Canada). Prix international de journalisme 2019 pour Analyse géostratégique du Club de periodistas de México.
Sri Ramakrishna
Kalkî, avatar de Vishnou et son cheval blanc ailé. Selon la tradition hindoue, reprise par l'Apocalypse de St-Jean, Kalkî mettra fin à l'Âge de fer (Kali-Yuga), rétablissant le règne de l'amour et de la justice. Panjabi manuscript 255. Source: Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): CC-BY-4.0
Sri Ramakrishna, known as Gadadhar in his childhood, was born on February 17, 1836 at Kamarpukur about sixty miles from Calcutta. His parents, Khudiram (father) and Chandramani (mother), were pious and extremely religious, but they were financially poor making both ends meet with great difficulty. Khudiram, while away from home at Gaya, had a vision in which he was told by Lord Vishnu that he would be born to him as his son. Around same time, Chandramani saw a vision of light emanating from Shiva linga and entering her womb. She collapsed on the floor and realized later that she conceived.
Gadadhar was liked by one and all in the village because of his sweet nature and talents in various fine arts. He, however, was not fond of a regular school because his keen intellect found out that the so-called education is only for earning money devoid of any real wisdom. He lost his father at the age of seven which made him more serious and in-drawn. He served monks who stopped at his village during their pilgrimage and listened with rapt attention to the discussions they often had among themselves over religious issues. As a child, he collapsed in ecstasy watching a line of white cranes fly by against the dark clouds in the background and also when acting as Lord Shiva on a stage in the village: a forerunner of what was to be seen later in his life.
Lisez ici la suite:
En relisant "Ivashov's Inevitable revolution" (2011)
March 12, 2011
Ex-GU MVS Chief, retired General-Colonel Leonid Ivashov was apparently either asked or inspired to comment recently on the revolutions in North Africa. And his comments got some press play beyond the blog where they originally appeared. Ivashov is an inveterate conservative who always has sharp jabs for the U.S., NATO, and globalization. But he’s an interesting guy whose anti-Western commentaries usually end up criticizing the Kremlin and Russian policies as well.
They apparently asked Ivashov whether Russia needs to fear a repetition of Tunisian, Egyptian, or Libyan events. He goes on for a couple paragraphs with his view that the Arab world’s lagging behind in economic and social development explains what happened in North Africa. Then he turns to its relevance for Russia:
“The situation is much more complex in Russia. A revolution here is unavoidable. It will become an attempt to find its own future and course of development that preserves Russia as a unitary state, both Russian and remaining native peoples – as a national-social formation. Under the current course and regime, Russia has no future. Catastrophe looms ahead – the country’s division and collapse, the departure of the Russian world from the historical arena. These are objective data – when you look at government statistics even, your hairs stand on end. There are approximately one hundred million Russians, 23 million alcoholics, 6 million drug addicts, 6 million sick with AIDS, 4 million prostitutes. We have the very highest percentage of disadvantaged families, for every thousand marriages, 640 divorces. Revolutionary transformations are simply necessary. Let’s hope to God they come in a peaceful way.”
“What is happening now in the Middle East gives us reason to talk also about our degradation. Yes, Mubarak, Qaddafi and the rest stole, hoarded riches for themselves, however there has never been in the history of a single state such complete plunder as is occurring now in Russia. Two oligarchic clans, privatizers of resources and bureaucrats have sucked everything out of the people and the country. Real incomes of the population in January compared with January of last year have decreased by 47%. Oil gets more expensive — our gas gets more expensive. Oil gets cheaper — our gas still gets more expensive. Prices for food and other things constantly increase.”
“A handful of powerful bureaucrats and oligarchs close to them understand perfectly that there’s no avoiding a revolution. Therefore they’re hurrying to suck everything up and tie their business to foreign structures. So that when they start taking their assets away, they can call on NATO to defend them.”
“Russia doesn’t have its own Middle East geopolitical project. We are extremely inconsistent — we sign military agreements with Israel, we institute sanctions against Iran, irritating the Islamic world. Medvedev calls Qaddafi a criminal for firing on his own people. At the same time, they put up monuments to Yeltsin who fired on his own people and his own parliament. Such a contradiction shows the complete cynicism of our current vlasti.”
“The fighting in Russia will undoubtedly begin, and it will be, unfortunately, much more severe — since the country is multinational. In the Middle East, they call their own Arab presidents occupiers, but we also have other peoples. And if anti-Semitism in the Arab East is aimed beyond the borders of their own countries, at Israel or the U.S., then Russian anti-Semitism is directed inward.”
Ceci explique cela, pourquoi le conflit ukrainien préparé de longue date par l'Occident et avec la transformation de l'OTAN en alliance offensive, suite logique des guerres de Yougoslavie, Irak, Libye, Syrie, Yemen, n'a pu se faire sans la complicité des milieux qui profitent du pouvoir en Russie et qui, comme Paul Craig Roberts le montre constamment, ainsi que le général russe Leonid Ivashov, ont laissé l'"ennemi-ami" encercler la Russie, la jetant dans les bras de la Chine, tout cela au détriment de l'Europe:
1er juin 2021
- Le ministère russe de la Défense va créer environ deux douzaines de nouvelles formations et unités militaires dans le district militaire occidental en réponse aux actions de l'OTAN dans cette direction stratégique.
(Général Leonid Ivashov)- Je commence déjà à considérer ces scénarios de tension militaire comme une sorte de collusion entre les politiciens et les militaires occidentaux et les nôtres. Les deux bénéficient du fait qu'il y a du travail, du financement et du chargement du complexe militaro-industriel. Je crois qu'il y a une sorte de processus de suivi en cours.
On voudrait préparer la "gouvernance mondiale" AVEC, le moment venu, la Chine capitaliste ET communiste équipée d'un nouveau "régime" mondialiste, qu'on ne ferait pas autrement.
C'est cela, sûrement, la renaissance du Phénix (chinois !) montrée aux JO de Londres, en 2012. Le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres. Quelles cendres ? celles de l'incendie que nous avons commencé à voir avec le COVID, la "cancel culture" désintégrant les USA et maintenant avec la guerre d'Ukraine pour absorber la Russie dans le monstre grandissant de l'UE, ce laboratoire du gouvernement mondial.
Le Rouge et le Blanc
Le crédit social à la chinoise met un pied en Europe
Le port de Shangaï bloqué. Pénurie, vastes conséquences pour la population chinoise comme pour celle du reste du monde. Préparation violente à la guerre avec l'Occident et à l'autarcie ou Great Reset à la chinoise ?
Srihari dwells in all of Us
Uthara Unnikrishnan interprète Brahmam Okate (Tandanana Ahi)
Colin McPhee: Une maison à Bali
Musique: "Lagu Délem"
Gamelan. Transcription par Colin McPhee
Piano: Steffen Schleiermachen
Écoutez ici:
Michel Raimbaud: Beyond the pandemic, geopolitics as usual (2020)
June 22, 2020
Last week, the French diplomat Michel Raimbaud sent to me an analysis he wrote under the title “Beyond the pandemic, geopolitics as usual” .
I hope you will enjoy reading it
Highlights by Basma Baddour
* What is unprecedented indeed in the Covid 19 crisis is not the event in itself, but its uncommon impact, resulting from its huge, systematic, world-wide, at first sight irrational instrumentation. Why did it get such an extraordinary importance, as soon as pandemics, far from being an exception, are rather usual?
* Looking back to a recent past, remembering or not that an epidemic alert used to be launched every two or three years, every individual will discover at that occasion the many types of fevers or influenzas possibly fraught with dangers he has escaped from. So we have a right to wonder and ask why or for which reasons this famous Covid19 has become so extravagantly famous and fearsome.
* Of course, we can’t predict the final toll. Let’s say it is not a mild epidemic, but to believe daily figures, it has nothing to do with a pandemic of the millennium. There must be an explanation…
* It’s within everyone’s capabilities to ponder about the impact of media coverage of the crisis, since everything has been done everywhere to condition the populations and bring them to focus on the so-called “War on Coronavirus” at every moment, every detail in their daily life, 24/24 and 7/7..
* It is indeed a permanent brainwash that is imposed on those millions of house-locked down citizens through an omnipresent TV propaganda, the channels altogether centering unremittingly their programs on the “coronavirus”.
* Intentionally or not, this oppressive context makes it possible to push into the far-off background some of the upsetting realities that were unveiled at the occasion of the pandemic, insofar as those realities were bringing to the fore the profound geopolitical reversal which stood out during the last ten years.
* Indeed the obsessive campaign makes the viewers forget the evidence that the Atlantic hegemony is quickly swinging to the Eurasian Block, thus reshaping the World on new bases. This bias raises some questions.
* The Coronavirus episode is doubtlessly and straightly connected with the battle raging between the US flanked by its allies, and the block headed by Russia and China, gathering the Asian partners. What is at stake? The World leadership…
* Just replace some words in the “toxic” coverage : democratization with Global Welfare, “Responsibility to Protect” with Health Security, vaccination and immunization, International community with Global World Order, and endless War on terror with endless War on pandemics, and you will perceive the continuity of the western project of dominance.
* If it is carried out, this world-scale operation (ID 2020), carefully planned in the United States at mid-october 2019 by a numeric simulation of coronavirus, would realize a new razzia led by the West under the pressure of the so-called “Big Pharma” lobby and the guidance of powerful sectors of the American “Deep State”. If it were successful, it would bring back to some extent the geopolitical balance to the situation that prevailed ten years ago.
* But there is no inevitability in the success of Bill Gates and Co, whose projects are coming within the scope of a global hegemony. For the strategists, intellectuals and zealous followers of Westernism, as well as for some UN institutions, traditional go-between for US plans, there is no room for another prospect than a “New American Century”.
* The Atlantic Empire has lost its global supremacy. This shift in the balance from the West to Eurasia is observed by all analysts. It is hard for Trump, Pence, Pompeo, Bolton and Co, but also for the supporters of Gates, Soros and Rockefeller to admit that the nightmare is coming true.
* The future depends of course on the real visions of the forthcoming leadership, but even more on the strength of popular aspirations. This is the main stake of the crisis.
Full Text here:
Beyond the pandemic, geopolitics as usual
Whatever can be said, we have been about three or four billion people locked down on the five continents, forced to experience a kind of “house-arrest”. Unexpectedly, in a few weeks, this “exception” has become the standard status for crowds of honest citizens, blowing on the planet a backward wind and generating a crazy surrealistic atmosphere. However you call it a “lockdown”, it is a real “containment” of the populations evoking warfare, cold war, repression, fear and mistrust.
1 / Some questions and some answers
Of course, this staggering episode will sustain thoughts, reflections and questions about the origin of this mysterious virus that was capable to plunge all of a sudden our familiar society into an unknown but very disturbing future.
What is unprecedented indeed in the Covid 19 crisis is not the event in itself, but its uncommon impact, resulting from its huge, systematic, world-wide, at first sight irrational instrumentation. Why did it get such an extraordinary importance, as soon as pandemics, far from being an exception, are rather usual? Looking back to a recent past, remembering or not that an epidemic alert used to be launched every two or three years, every individual will discover at that occasion the many types of fevers or influenzas possibly fraught with dangers he has escaped from. So we have a right to wonder and ask why or for which reasons this famous Covid19 has become so extravagantly famous and fearsome. Of course, we can’t predict the final toll. Let’s say it is not a mild epidemic, but to believe daily figures, it has nothing to do with a pandemic of the millennium. There must be an explanation…
“Containment” being conducive to reflection, it’s within everyone’s capabilities to ponder about the impact of media coverage of the crisis, since everything has been done everywhere to condition the populations and bring them to focus on the so-called “War on Coronavirus” at every moment, every detail in their daily life, 24/24 and 7/7.. It is indeed a permanent brainwash that is imposed on those millions of house-locked down citizens through an omnipresent TV propaganda, the channels altogether centering unremittingly their programs on the “coronavirus”.
Intentionally or not, this oppressive context makes it possible to push into the far-off background some of the upsetting realities that were unveiled at the occasion of the pandemic, insofar as those realities were bringing to the fore the profound geopolitical reversal which stood out during the last ten years. Indeed the obsessive campaign makes the viewers forget the evidence that the Atlantic hegemony is quickly swinging to the Eurasian Block, thus reshaping the World on new bases. This bias raises some questions.
If the tidal wave we are referring to were just an “illuminati” illusion, would the virus have been dramatized to this extreme as it has been, so as to relegate to the rank of memories the geopolitical mutation? Would the situation – that is not really to the advantage of the West – raise so violent attacks demonizing Russia and China? Unless we consider that the pandemic – or the storytelling – has been a catalyst favorable to the advent of this messianist “New World Order” preached and prophesied by Henry Kissinger, Attali, Gordon Brown, George Soros, Rockfeller, Bill Gates&Co… In fact, these visionaries of bad omen seem to be ready to bank on the most vicious or haziest plans to preserve the US/Atlantic hegemony as if it were a divine privilege: business as usual. But their approach is distorted by their misperception of the realities.
2 / Corona as a geopolitical tool
If the debate on the ins and outs of the crisis can last for ages, there is no doubt as regards the conclusion: it is firstly because of the geopolitical context that the Corona episode made such an impact. Those prominent public figures above-mentioned, leading from behind or on the frontline the so-called “World Government Project”, do not belong exactly to the new generations, rather looking like figures of the past, at the relative exception of their present leader, Bill Gates (aged 64). In spite of their presupposed “genius”, they are blinkered in their vision, misguided by the conviction that the World will remain forever under western rule. It is true that God’s will and “elected peoples” destiny used to be omnipresent in the American political speech as well as in the minds of many citizens, as a deeply-rooted conviction since the Pilgrim Fathers and the founders of the United States, but this self-centered conviction gained a renewed favour in the seventies/eighties with the arising of neoconservatism, a neocapitalist doctrine religiously permeated by Zionism. It reached the height of its glory during George W. Bush administration, when the White House meetings used to look and sound like religious services.
To a lesser extent, this bigot inspiration remains alive in the political speech, including in immoderate statements by Donald Trump. Beyond differences and conflicts, most US politicians – with few exceptions – do agree about the innate supremacy of their country and its vocation to lead the World. A British writer (living in the States), S. Mallaby, wrote: “Neo-imperialist America is still in charge of the Burden chanted by Kipling, but The Burden of the White Man has changed into the Burden of the Rich Man”.
Taking this conviction for granted, we can understand how difficult it is for American leaders to bow before the first conclusions that can be drawn from the ongoing global Grip, namely the gradual but fast decline of the US Atlantic Empire in front of the arising or the come-back of two rival powers to begin with. Economically, China has become number one in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reckoned in PPP (Parity Purchasing Power) some years ago, as well as the “Factory of the Planet”: by the way, 80% of the medicines produced in the World are “made in China”. Last but not least, the OBOR project (One Belt One Road) referred to as the “Silk Road” is for Peking “the Great National Strategy for the Century”, reflecting the ambition to propose to the World a counter-balance to the “Greater Middle East” of George W. Bush…
Militarily, and according to many standards, US seem to have been outclassed by Russia with regard to nuclear, ballistics, Navy and Aeronautics, telecommunications high technology. Moreover one can say that Moscow has become the referring political and diplomatic power, not only where it used to be influential, but in many regions, including in well known US backyards (Middle East, Africa, Latin America).
Even more impressive is the loss by the US of their moral, intellectual and ideological power. Legacy from World War 2 and imposed on the “Free World” in the framework of the struggle against communism, this US magisterium had overcome the whole “international community” in the aftermath of the unexpected implosion of USSR, but the coronavirus will have ruined this stereotype of America and Europe. Most countries, even unexpected ones, have fetched assistance from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (China, Russia, Asian partners) but also from Cuba.
Therefore, the Coronavirus episode is doubtlessly and straightly connected with the battle raging between the US flanked by its allies, and the block headed by Russia and China, gathering the Asian partners above mentioned. What is at stake? The World leadership…
3 / The American dream at all costs
Just as Zbigniew Brzezinski (who died recently), Kissinger is one of those prominent “advisers” who survive the alternations and turbulences of the spoils-system, thus becoming permanent references. Whispering in the ear of all the presidents since the seventies, he symbolizes this continuity of the US foreign policy, inspired by the neoconservative messianism, and the total faith in the American natural supremacy. Kissinger served as Secretary of State and National Security Adviser under Presidents Nixon and Gerald Ford. He accessed to celebrity in 1973 at the occasion of the arabo-israeli Ramadan War, promoting an innovative “shuttle diplomacy” between Damascus, Cairo and Tel-Aviv in order to reach cease-fire agreements. Praised to the skies for being a peacemaker, “Dear Henry” succeeded to conceal that he had played in the meantime a leading role in bombing campaigns (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), inspiring violent regime-change operations in Argentina and Chile and supporting horrible anti-communist repression in Indonesia.
In 1974 he presented to President Gerald Ford a comprehensive study on the population of the World and its evolution up to 2070, expressing his concern about the high level of world birth rate increase, the disparities between developing and industrialized countries, the discrepancy between developmental needs and demographic pressure in poorer societies, suggesting that “dramatic events” could happen just in time to solve the problem (sic). The paper remained unpublished until 1989. Kissinger was a confident or spokesman for Rockefeller and G. Soros. He got acquainted with the inevitable Bill Gates and inspired his projects. Those good guys are apparently well-intentioned, but they have never concealed their purpose: their Health Programs supposed to “eradicate poverty” are to some extent ambiguous, involving some eugenicist concepts and perverse technical tricks under the cover of Welfare. The guidelines can be read as follows: taking into account the limited potential of earth resources, a small elite of intelligent “happy few” could easily have a much longer life (Kissinger is 97 while life-expectancy in the Rockefeller’s family is over 100 years) and enjoy more welfare in the frame of a world population reduced to its minimum level (sic), if you see what he means.
The noble concept is the devotion to the needs of populations and the welfare of mankind….Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and his foundation could be the financial fountain of universal vaccination firstly in Africa, usual experimental field for West activist “witches”, with the dream of launching this worldwide operation in the aftermath of the “containment”. Bill and his wife Melinda are warm supporters of Kissinger’s thesis, a position widespread among the “Rich Men” (cf.supra): World Economic Forum, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgen, etc….
The notion of pandemics being used as a drastic opportunity to march towards a “Global World Order” or a “Government of the World” has been integrated in all the CIA and intelligence reports for many years. In this context, was Covid19 just a splendid opportunity or a man-made virus? Some CIA strategic reports in past years (2014) are very instructive in this regard.
Many honest people have doubts about the reality of these ugly rear thoughts. That’s why their attention must be drawn to the mechanisms that have been and are still used by the Atlantic Empire with a view to extend its global dominance, through a noble “democratization” project. (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Ukraine, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, etc…).
4 / Come back to the Bad Tricks
It was once upon a time, but it is still today. At Kissinger’s peak of glory,and because the Cold War balance of forces and the right of veto made impossible to pass resolutions according to the sole western views, US and other Atlantic thinkers, experts or leaders were already searching for a mechanism making possible to counter the communist bloc. The first step of this demarche was taken in the late sixties during the so-called “Biafra War” in the newly independent republic of Nigeria, where the richest oil-producing region of the country was the theater for a secession attempt, supported by foreign countries (France and Ivory Coast). This bloody War generated a huge humanitarian crisis attracting foreign western volunteers, including a young medical doctor, Bernard Kouchner, and a lawyer Mario Bettati. The first NGO “Médecins sans Frontières” will be created in the wake of this conflict. The idea was to instrument a new “Humanitarian Law” to by-pass the basic UN principles. It was the “Right of Interference” that won’t be theorized before the late eighties (1987) by the two initiators during a conference on “Morale and Humanitarian Law”. But the context was not suitable.
It got more favorable some years later, with the disintegration of USSR. The new idea was presented again as a “Duty of Interference”, that was to change to a “Duty To Protect” before being crystallized into a terminology in tune with the times: the “Responsibility To Protect” (R2P)was presented as a subsidiary responsibility of the “international community” reduced in fact to the three western permanent members of the Security Council (US, UK and France) and some like-minded countries on occasions. This demarche was of course in contradiction with the international law, since it limited, for the sake of globalization, the reach of the “westphalian” principles of the UN charter (equal sovereignty of the States and non-interference). But the World was entering a new era, the dissolution of the communist bloc paving the way for the US neocons determined to impose the United States as the Ruler of the World.
If you leaf through the pages of a “Book of Tricks” of the Axis of Good, you won’t need to go very far to drive out one of the favorite stratagems of the “Indispensable Nation” which had undertaken to “annex” the World, no more no less. The technique consisted of waving a noble concept in order to reach a shameful goal. Of course, this trick is old as imperialism, but “the most powerful Empire that ever existed on the earth” couldn’t poison international life as it wished until 1991. But in the following years, boosted by the divine surprise above-mentioned, America would catch up. The “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) would be this “noble pretext” selected to render acceptable the crazy adventure of “democratization” without any significant resistance of an “international community” deeply shocked by the political earthquake. As it is well known, this “false flag” has been used for thirty years (until today) to cover interferences in order to destabilize the “regimes of concern”: “Rogue States” if they support terrorism, detain Arms of Mass Destruction and violate International Law, or “Failed States” if they are accused of not fulfilling their duties, the “international community” (US and allies) thus being entrusted to intervene in order to “protect the people”.
After a running period, George W. Bush, under the pressure of fanatics inspired by the Zionist neoconservative doctrine (Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Donald Rumsfeld, etc…), will engage the World in “an endless war on terror” against interchangeable enemies. In February 2004, he will introduce his « Greater Middle East » project (published on 13/02/2004 by Al Hayat newspaper): the plan was about reforming, bringing democratization, security, and above all “liberalizing” the “Muslim Green Belt” from Mauritania to Pakistan. In fact, it had nothing to do with democracy, but aimed at taking control of the natural resources, besieging Russia and marginalizing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After the destruction of the Iraqi State, “Democratization » ought to make the region more “receptive” to American wishes and « friendlier » to Israel.
Anyway, the ancestors of our Bill Gates and Co Globalists had the dream to get the UN to shoulder the “Responsibility To Protect” so as to integrate it into the Charter, thus opening the way to military actions for “humanitarian reasons”. They needed the blessing of the Council, which was theoretically an impossible task. Guardian of the international law and guarantor of the UN principles, the Council plays the main role in the field of peace-keeping and That’s whyfor years,security. He has the monopole in conflicts and crises settlement. even though recognized by the General Assembly in 2005/2006 about Darfour, the R2P will just remain a casual reference.
In March 2011, the R2P will be invoked again, with a view to engage in Libya the well-known “humanitarian” operation that will result in tens of thousands of victims and destroy the country. Russia and China will realize – but too late – that they had been fooled by their western “partners”. Consequently, in October 2011, after Kadhafi’s murder, Moscow and Peking will use for the first time (after twenty years of prudent abstention) their veto to bar any intervention in Syria, apparently closing the road to R2P based resolutions.
5 / From the New Middle East to the New Global Order
2011was a turning-point in the post-Cold War “American Century” and a partial stop to the global dominance of the US, opening a challenging period of contest, not on an ideological basis as it had been during the East-West conflict, but between US unilateralism and supporters of a multilateralism to come.
There is nothing new in the “New Global Order”, which is to the World what the “international community” used to be years ago: three Atlantic permanent members of the Security Council and like-minded countries talking on behalf and in the name of the United Nations. Obviously, the project is nothing else than a new version of the strategy aiming at the maintenance of the US hegemony on the World.
To get convinced, so try to find in the starring list of the initiators and leading figures involved in this “World Government Project” any non-western, non anglo-saxon “Big Man”? The sole exception is Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian doctor with a british training background, Director General of the World Health Organization, coming under World Health Assembly (a part of the UN network), widely in the clutches of the lobbies. As for the rest, the “World Government” network is intricate and compact: GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and immunization), World Economic Forum, World Bank, UNICEF, pharmaceutical corporations, Gates Foundation, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). Most of those structures are turning around Bill Gates and thepublic figures already cited, and under the supervision of Agenda ID2020, initiated by the Gates Foundation. We should not forget to mention Neil Ferguson, the guru of the London Imperial College, a member of the “Covid 19 Response Team” comprising 50 scientists linked to the WHO. Ferguson was the promoter of the “Total Lockdown”, propagating apocalyptic reports which convinced the UK and US governments and (according to the NewYork Times) the French president, in spite of many disputable predictions forecasting hundreds of thousands or millions of victims, in absence of any total containment.
Just replace some words in the “toxic” coverage : democratization with Global Welfare, “Responsibility to Protect” with Health Security, vaccination and immunization, International community with Global World Order, and endless War on terror with endless War on pandemics, and you will perceive the continuity of the western project of dominance.
6 / And so what?
If it is carried out, this world-scale operation (ID 2020), carefully planned in the United States at mid-october 2019 by a numeric simulation of coronavirus, would realize a new razzia led by the West under the pressure of the so-called “Big Pharma” lobby and the guidance of powerful sectors of the American “Deep State”. If it were successful, it would bring back to some extent the geopolitical balance to the situation that prevailed ten years ago. But there is noinevitability in the success of Bill Gates and Co, whose projects are coming within the scope of a global hegemony. For the strategists, intellectuals and zealous followers of Westernism, as well as for some UN institutions, traditional go-between for US plans, there is no room for another prospect than a “New American Century”. But they are probably wrong. The Atlantic Empire has lost its global supremacy. This shift in the balance from the West to Eurasia is observed by all analysts. It is hard for Trump, Pence, Pompeo, Bolton and Co, but also for the supporters of Gates, Soros and Rockefeller to admit that the nightmare is coming true.
One of the possible options, feared by many, is a gradual evolution towards a totalitarian system spreading all over the World. But it is hardly conceivable. Completely outdated, the Westernism dream implies that Russia and China would accept nowadays, in the new international order, any kind of transnational Gates-style vaccination and/or a Global Government suiting Kissinger’s views. Russia emerged as born again on the ruins of USSR, while China carries on its irresistible ascent on the Great Game Chessboard. It doesn’t mean that the future will be a paradise on earth. It depends of course on the real visions of the forthcoming leadership, but even more on the strength of popular aspirations. This is the main stake of the crisis.
Michel Raimbaud
Paul Craig Roberts: The French Vote NO to France
The French Vote NO to France
Paul Craig Roberts
For the third French presidential election in a row, Marine Le Pen lost to a candidate of Jewish banking interests, with the electorate choosing globalism and multiculturalism over French identity. For father and daughter the Le Pens have lost 8 French presidential elections. It seems conclusive that a French patriot who stands for France and represents French ethnic nationalism cannot be elected in France.
Throughout Europe a politician who believes in the ethnic nation is considered “far-right.” The term has been overlaid with Nazi implications. Although the German National Socialists were socialists, not far-right, their ethnic nationalism has been used to discredit the idea of a nation, which is based on a common language, common culture, and common ethnicity. Nationalism is no longer an effective political force in Europe. Even the concept of a nation state is dead. It is being replaced by the European Union.
The European Union is a tower of babel like the United States. There is no homogeneity. Without commonality, there is no basis to govern such a hodge-podge except coercion. Thus in the EU power resides in unelected commissioners, not in a representative parliament. In other words, by seeking to evade what Europeans have been indoctrinated to believe is the fascism of the ethnic state, Europeans are on the road to the fascism of government from above. The age of democracy and representative government is drawing to a close.
In the United States the melting pot, when it still functioned, managed to produce a commonality and retain a single language out of diverse European ethnicities. But the melting pot is a thing of the past, and the immigrants since 1965 have not been Europeans but third world people of color among whom there is no common heritage. What was once a common belief system has been damaged, perhaps fatally, by critical race theory, identity politics, and wokeism. Institutions that give a society strength, such as marriage, family, and religion, have weakened dramatically during the past six decades.
It was 60 years ago that college kids were chanting “Western Civ Has To Go.” For 60 years US history has been taught in universities as a long series of crimes. Monuments are being taken down, items removed from museums, and names of schools and streets changed in order to cancel the now exposed heroes of the past. All white Americans are alleged to be guilty. Today whatever pride Americans have centers for some on the success of the football team of their university, the size of their home and car, and their kids being admitted to Ivy League universities, and for others on their tolerance of the forces and interests that are bringing about the dissolution of their country.
Pierre Dortiguier: L'esprit colonial allemand (Bismarck, Guillaume II)
L'Empereur Guillaume II vint à Jérusalem (où il refusa, sur le conseil du Sultan et Calife, de recevoir le fondateur du sionisme Theodor Hertzel) donner aux Franciscains un terrain appartenant à l'Eglise protestante. Il prononça un discours fameux à Damas, une ville électrifiée, avant Istanbul, par les ingénieurs allemands, où il se présentait comme le protecteur de tous les musulmans du monde obéissant au Calife.
Le chancelier Bismarck (1815-1898) expliqua, le 26 août 1884, ce qu'il entendait mettre en œuvre dans les colonies: « Je répète que je suis entièrement opposé à la création de colonies sur un plan qui a prévalu dans le siècle passé qu'on pourrait appeler le système français qui consiste à acquérir un territoire, à y placer des fonctionnaires et une garnison, puis à inviter les gens à y venir et à y vivre. Je n'annexerai pas à l'Empire des provinces d'Outre-Mer. Je suivrai l'exemple de l'Angleterre en accordant à des négociants quelque chose comme des chartes confiées à la Compagnie des Indes occidentales. Je nommerai seulement un consul ou un résident pour représenter l'autorité impériale ».
Pierre Dortiguier
Voir également:
« Mon cher Nikki, Damas , le 9 novembre 1898.Ton aimable télégramme envoyé à Jérusalem prouve que tu suis avec intérêt mon voyage, ce qui m’incite, en le terminant, à t’envoyer quelques lignes pour te donner mes impressions. Elles sont si diverses, qu’il est difficile de les mettre en ordre.Jérusalem a naturellement fixé notre attention tout d’abord à cause des multiples endroits où se retrouve le souvenir de notre Sauveur. La pensée que son regard se posait sur ces mêmes collines, que son pied foulait cette même terre, émeut le cœur et l’oblige à battre plus fort et plus ardemment. Mais je dois avouer sincèrement que parmi les choses vues ici et se rapportant à la foi chrétienne, toutes sont loin de faire naître ces sentiments. Un grand nombre de confessions et de sectes diverses de notre commune religion chrétienne ont construit ici beaucoup trop d’églises, de monastères, de chapelles, etc., sur les « lieux saints traditionnels » comme on les appelle. Une certaine rivalité s’est créée, une lutte à qui édifiera les clochers les plus hauts, les églises les plus belles, qui ne conviennent pas du tout aux lieux où ces monuments sont élevés. En vérité, on peut croire à une exposition de modèles d’églises ! Le fait a influencé aussi le clergé des différents temples. Les prêtres se plaisent à intriguer et à ourdir des combinaisons politiques, excitant à la haine au lieu de l’amour, et provoquant dans les églises des querelles et des conflits qui remplacent le chant des psaumes et la bonne entente de naguère. Mais ce qui est pis encore, ils ont favorisé l’adoration des pierres et des arbres qui est défendue par le second des dix commandements et qui, chez eux, remplace l’adoration de la Divinité. Un Français m’a dit : « Il s’agit de l’adoration de la pierre dans les lieux prétendus saints mais dont il est impossible (souligne l’Empereur et Roi) de garantir la Sainteté. Quant à la Divinité, elle n’y est pour rien ». Ces paroles sont absolument vraies, bien que fort pénibles pour nos sentiments chrétiens. Il est naturel que cette idolâtrie — excuse cette expression — provoque chez les Musulmans le mépris le plus grand à l’égard des Chrétiens. Lorsque je quittais les lieux saints, j’éprouvais une honte profonde devant les Musulmans et vivais dans la conscience que si je n’avais appartenu à aucune religion en arrivant à Jérusalem, je me serais certainement fait mahométan ! La religion, telle qu’on la comprend à Jérusalem, ne contribuera à convertir aucun musulman, n’aidera à pousser aucun arbre ni à creuser un seul nouveau puits. Je crains que, souvent, le clergé, à Jérusalem, ne se serve de la religion pour voiler les intrigues et les machinations politiques. Certes, pareil état de choses est peu compatible avec nos désirs et fait beaucoup de mal au christianisme, car les Musulmans l’ont depuis longtemps remarqué, et leurs rapports avec nous se sont établis d’après les impressions qu’ils ont ressenties. Je reviens chez moi avec un sentiment de déception intense et la conviction profonde que le tombeau de notre Sauveur ne se trouve certainement pas sous l’église de la tombe du Seigneur (Guillaume désigne ce que nous traduisons par l’église du Saint Sépulcre). Celle-ci, par son extérieur et son ornementation, perd beaucoup quand on la compare à la mosquée d’Omar qui,dans sa grandeur simple, inspire la vénération. Hélas ! Damas est la ville qui, au point de vue du coloris oriental, se trouve être incontestablement la plus belle et la plus intéressante. Beyrouth, avec ses merveilleuses villas, ses beaux jardins, ses allées, rappelle plus les villes de l’Italie du Sud et de la Sicile. La terre sainte épouvante presque par sa sécheresse stérile, l’absolue pénurie d’arbres et d’eau. Ici tout change comme par enchantement ! La grande rivière Barader donne la vie et la fraîcheur et assure le développement d’une flore enchanteresse… L’accueil qu’on nous a réservé est absolument étonnant. Aucun monarque chrétien — giaour — n’a été aussi honoré et reçu avec cet enthousiasme débordant. C’est justement parce que je suis l’ami de leur sultan et calife et que j’ai toujours eu une politique ouverte et honnête à leur égard, ce que je t’ai si souvent conseillé. La haine contre les Anglais est forte et même ne va qu’en augmentant… »(Correspondance entre Guillaume II et Nicolas II, 1894-1914, publiée par le gouvernement des Soviets d’après les archives centrales etc. Paris, Plon, 1924, 296 pp, lettre 25, pp. 50-52).
La défaite et la chute de l’Empereur Guillaume ne pouvait être que celle d’un défenseur des Musulmans de Palestine ! C’est de l’Histoire et pas du roman !"
Pierre Dortiguier