Leonid Ivashov: September 11, 2001: A Global Provocation
16 Novembre 2008 , Rédigé par Pierre-Olivier Combelles
Strategic Culture Foundation
Online magazine
September 11, 2001: A Global Provocation
Five years that have passed since September 11, 2001, the date when unknown terrorists (declared to be Islamists) delivered an air blow on the twin towers of the U.S. World Trade Center, have produced a slew of new information about the attack, so that the official version of those developments provided by the U.S. government is hardly taken seriously by more than a few people. The conclusions made in relation to the September 11 events were advantageous for the U.S. ruling circles and financial oligarchy behind them, which they themselves may well have organised, are becoming more and more convincing.
The world’s experience shows that terrorism is bred on the aggravations of social, racial, national and other contradictions, on the crush of social relations and the triumph of evil, the decadence of morals and the triumph of cynicism and nihilism as well as if there is an explosive growth of vice and crime. The processes of globalisation are indeed the fertile soil for all these phenomena. They are characterised by revamping the geopolitical map of the world, re-distribution of the planet’s resources, the removal of national frontiers, the break-up of the system of international law, the destruction of original cultures and impoverishment of spiritual and moral life.
At present we have every reason to speak about a systemic crisis of the human civilisation. The absence of new philosophic ideas, the moral crisis, the deformed world outlook, the yearning for the super-wealth and super-authority and cruelty - all lead the way for the human kind towards degradations, and possibly, a catastrophe.
Then there is expansion of the battle for natural resources. The striving of the major powers, primarily the United States as well as trans-nationals to subordinate to their interest economic systems of other states while ensuring themselves control of the most important sources of raw hydrocarbons destabilise the world, aggravating the general state of anxiety, absence of clear vision of life’s prospects and development of many nations and states.
The break-up of the multi-polar world and the disrupted balance of forces have led to the destruction of the system of international security, norms of inter-state relations, and devaluation of the role played by the UN and its Security Council.
The United States and NATO have appropriated the right to determine the fate of other states and to get away with acts of aggression, substituting its legislation for the chartered UN principles. Nothing else but the aggression against the Union Republic of Yugoslavia and against Iraq, the connivance to Israel’s aggressive acts in Lebanon, threats to Syria, Iran and other countries have released enormous energy of resistance, revenge and extremism. This energy has rejuvenated the potential of terror, boomeranging to the West.
Analyses of international processes developing after September 11,2001 provide convincing proof that terrorism facilitates implementation of the goals of the global dominance and subordination of national states to the interests of the world’s oligarchy. Terrorism is not an independent subject of global policies but rather a means of establishing a new world order in the hands of a single global management centre. The chief subject of international terror is what is known as the global elite. None other than it is attempting to organise terror against other countries, including Russia.
The main strikes delivered by the global elite are directed at the traditional historical mode of life of different peoples, the national state arrangement of human civilisation and their national identity.
The use of terror by state and public structures in the present-day conditions is a way of achieving political goals by way of intimidating, bringing psychological pressure to bear upon civilians, the suppression of the political will of different states and the creation of conditions for manipulation of huge human masses.
International terrorism is a tool for waging wars of a new non-traditional type, and in association with the media it becomes one of the subsystems to manage global processes. It is exactly this symbiosis of the media and terror that creates conditions for abrupt turns of the world policies.
What was the significance of the September 11, 2001 terrorist act along these lines? It turned the movement of the global history into a new channel, drawing the final line under the final destruction of the Yalta-Potsdam system of the global order, unleashing the hands of the United States, Great Britain and Israel in their activities directed against other countries in passing over the UN Charter and international agreements, stimulating the growth of the scope of acts of terror.
International terrorism also has another side. Terror has become a radical tool of national liberation struggle, separatism, national and religious dissent as well as a means of competition struggle in politics and economics.
In Afghanistan, Kosovo, Central Asia, the Middle East and the Caucasus terrorism ensures drug trafficking by destabilising the situation along the routes of drug trafficking.
In the conditions of a systemic crisis of international relations terror has taken the shape of an original lethal culture, taking a place of its own in the present-day life. It has stormed its way into European welfare states, it continues torturing Russia and shakes the Middle East and Eastern Asia. It makes the world community take for granted the illegal interference into the internal affairs of different states by force and the destruction of the system of international security. Terror creates the cult of force, making policies pursued by different states and the conduct of governments and population subordinate to it. And the most terrible thing: as we are now facing a new round of warfare for the re-distribution of global resources and control over the world’s key regions terrorism has much in store for it.
The new U.S. National Security Strategy approved by U.S. Congress in 2006 states that the goal of U.S. policies is “ensuring a safe access to the world’s key regions, strategic communications and global resources”, while a means of securing this kind of access can include preventive strikes against any country on the globe. This strategy tends to grow into a preventive strikes doctrine, or nuclear terrorism, which in turn could lead to a wide use (including retaliation) of different types of toxic agents and weapons of mass destruction. The side that has been attacked would – nothing loath – make its own selection of means of retaliation.
A provocation relying on a terrorist act is becoming an efficient means of achieving political goals on the global, regional or local scales. In its time the provocation in the settlement of Rachik in Serbia’s Kosovo served as a pretext for a NATO aggression that led to a break-up of the Union Republic of Yugoslavia and Kosovo’s separation from Serbia. That was a regional scale provocation. Another regional scale provocation was made to vindicate Israel’s aggression against Lebanon in July 2006.
Explosions in London’s Underground, disturbances in Paris in 2005 and 2006 are local level provocations that affected the policies and the public opinion in Great Britain and France.
There are behind most acts of terror practical goals set by influential political forces, trans-national corporations and criminal groups. Almost every act of terror (except those of the national liberation character) is a provocation.
Explosions of the Sunni and Shia mosques in Iraq were also provocations, as well as the capture and murder of members of Russia’s diplomatic mission in Baghdad.
Provocative acts of terror have accompanied mankind throughout its history. Nothing else but provocative acts of terror helped find pretext for unleashing both world wars.
Events of September 11, 2001 were a provocation of the global scale. In this case it is possible to speak about carrying out a global-scale operation that was instrumental in solving several global problems, including:
1. Giving the financial oligarchy and the United States an informal right to resort to military force against any state in the world.
2. Changing the role of the UN Security Council, which is getting more and more traits of being an encourager of the aggressor and an ally of a new global dictatorship.
3. Further strengthening of the U.S. monopoly for the access to resources in actually any part of the world.
4. Carrying out provocation operations is always characterised by the presence of three indispensable elements, including the presence of a contractor, organiser headquarters and the perpetuator. As for the September 11 provocation Al Qaeda could neither act as a contractor nor the headquarters (otherwise what is the need for the CIA, FBI and NSA?). It does not have colossal resources required to order an act of such scale. It also lacks in experience even at the level of effecting regional level operations. All the acts of terror Al Qaeda was really responsible for were acts of a rather primitive nature. It does not have a well-developed agents’ network in the United States that would make it possible to rapidly penetrate dozens of state and private organisations responsible for air transport and systems ensuring their security. Its members could be ordinary performers of an act of terror, but that’s another matter.
As I see it, the entity to order that epochal provocation could be the world’s financial oligarchy aiming to finally establish “the world’s fascist dictatorship of banks” (a Lyndon LaRouche’s phrase) and to take control of the planet’s much-needed hydrocarbon resources. Ensuring of the world dominance to last for a very long time had long been planned. The capture of such a stronghold as Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq and possibly of Iran that own enormous resources of oil and natural gas and installing military control over the chief routes of hydrocarbon transit were all direct aftermath of September 11,2001 events.
The organiser headquarters of the act of terror perpetuated in New York five years ago could be the generously financed “consortium” of people from the special services, secret Masonic organisations and people responsible for air traffic. Lavishly paid-for media, lawyers and politicians did the information and legal support of the operation. The selection of perpetuators was made according to the principle of ethnic belonging to the nations that own significant oil-and gas resource.
The September 11 operation, whose main goals were achieved, was a success.
The notion of “international terrorism” was introduced in the routine socio-political vocabulary, and the world was led to believe that that was the chief threat to mankind.
A typical image of a new threat has been created: an Islamist from one of the oil-rich nations.
The basic structure of international law of the bipolar world era was finally destroyed, and the notions of aggression, state terror and the right of self-defence were totally distorted.
The right of a nation to resist an aggression, subversive activities of foreign special services and defend its national interests was totally crushed.
Techniques to shelter principal characters interested in the establishment of the world’s dictatorship and global management were installed.
But still, the global war is not yet over. It was only provoked by the September 11 acts of terror. It is just an overture to future developments.
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