Servando Gonzalez: la loi de Servando
Servando's Law
By Servando Gonzalez
Marzo 17, 2001
(This article was originally published in
According to Moore’s Law, enunciated in 1965 by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, the power of computer processing doubles every 18 months. Based on this assertion, which has proved to be extremely accurate, some scholars believe that computers will reach the point where they will be more intelligent than humans in about twenty years, give or take a couple of years.
Professor Hans Moravec, an eminent roboticist at Carnegie Mellon University is not that optimistic. He believes that it will take a little longer for computers to be more intelligent than humans in all areas of life, from running efficient businesses to writing surrealist poetry. In his latest book, Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind (Oxford University press, 1999), Moravec predicts that robots will be that advanced by 2040.
With all respect to the experts, however, I have to disagree. Actually, computers will become more intelligent than humans in about ten years. But not thanks to Moore’s Law, but because of a less known one: Servando’s Law.
According to Servando’s Law, since the emergence of widespread computer use, the level of human stupidity in the United States has been doubling every 9 months. Therefore, in about ten years Americans will be so stupid that any computer, even a PC running Windows, will be more intelligent than any human living in this country. [...]
La suite sur le site de l'écrivain cubain exilé Servando Gonzalez:
Les Maori de Aotearoa (Nlle Zélande) protestent contre le Trans-Pacific Partnership à Auckland (Février 2016)
Le TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) entre les 12 pays alliés des USA dans le Pacifique a été ratifié le 4 février 2016 à Auckland:
Protesters are worried that the TPP is less about jobs and more about big business and corporate greed. Photo: BBC.
James Petras commente le voyage du Pape François au Mexique et celui du Président F. Hollande en Amérique latine
MAB: El otro tema para abordar también es la presencia del Papa en México y su visita a Cuba, donde se encontró con el Patriarca ruso Kiril, encuentro que se considera que va más allá de las religiones, mil años hace que se habían separado las Iglesias.
JP: La urgencia de alcanzar un acuerdo entre las dos Iglesias –la ortodoxa rusa y la católica- es porque los cristianos están siendo masacrados en Medio Oriente, son perseguidos en todos esos países, Irak, Siria, Israel. Los cristianos sufren persecución, desplazamientos, asesinatos masivos. La población cristiana bajó en más de un 80% en esa zona en los últimos cinco años por la persecución.
El Patriarca y el Papa se reunieron en La Habana para dar voz a los cristianos que están sufriendo en manos de los islámicos fanáticos y los sionistas fanáticos. Debemos reconocer esto, porque las fuerzas progresistas no han tomado nota de esta persecución religiosa, política, social, en esta región. Y es fundamental cuando miles de personas de origen cristiano están en la cárcel o pudriéndose en campos de refugiados.
Pero más allá del encuentro entre los líderes religiosos, está la visita del Papa a México, donde hizo una gran denuncia, no solo contra los maleantes, los delincuentes, los narco políticos; además el Papa dijo que la narco política y los asesinatos en México tienen sus raíces en la elite política-económica. Y dijo textualmente:”Cuando hay grandes desigualdades entre los pobres y la clase política y la oligarquía económica, ese es el terreno que siembra el narcotráfico, el tráfico de personas, la prostitución, etc.
Entonces fue más allá de la condena al os narcotraficantes, tocó a los bancos que están lavando dinero, tocó al Presidente, Enrique Peña que estaba al lado sonriendo, mientras el Papa los condenaba como una de las fuentes de corrupción y narcotráfico.
DM: Françoise Hollande se va a reunir con líderes europeos y latinoamericanos. ¿Qué busca Hollande con esta gira?
JP: Está tratando de fortalecer las tendencias neoliberales que coinciden con sus políticas en Francia. Trata de conseguir mercados por que la economía francesa está estancada y la tasa de desocupación supera el 12%, si sumamos los sub ocupados son casi el 30%. Casi uno de cada tres franceses está sin trabajo estable bien pagado. Es una gran crisis económica.
También sus campañas contra el terrorismo han fomentado medidas contra la democracia; ley de emergencia que está suspendiendo todos los derechos democráticos. Un gobierno sumamente impopular, que busca a partir del comercio solucionar algunos problemas con las exportaciones y busca alguna forma de coincidir con Cuba, en algunas cosas menores, para poder levantar la bandera de ser un gobierno progresista, lo que nadie cree.
Es evidente que la política neoliberal de Hollande, el apoyo a las guerras de intervención en Siria y las políticas represivas internas, están creando una oposición mayoritaria que no pueden recuperar con las medidas domésticas. Incluso está fomentando una mayor oposición que toma partido por los grandes capitales.
Por esa razón cree que un viaje a América Latina, algunos acuerdos comerciales, pueden servir como relaciones públicas publicitarias de que está haciendo algo para resolver los problemas. El hecho fundamental para Hollande es que no tiene apoyo doméstico para ser reelecto.
DM: Tiene problemas internos como que el propio Partido Socialista votó en contra de la Ley Antiterrorista.
JP: Sí. Cómo pueden apoyar los políticos mínimamente democráticos medidas dictatoriales, como que el Ejecutivo, la Policía tenga el poder de intervenir en cualquier oficina, en cualquier casa, romper puertas, sin ninguna autorización judicial. Es contra la Constitución, contra las tradiciones democráticas.
Sólo los gobiernos de la derecha dura utilizaban esas medidas, los fascistas durante la segunda guerra mundial y algunos otros en la pos guerra. Pero ahora Hollande tiene poderes extendidos, varios meses más, y tal vez puedan prolongarlos para siempre. Es decir convertir a Francia en un gobierno autoritario.
DM: Va a estar por acá Petras, el 26 y 27 estará en Uruguay, no se sabe bien a qué.
MAB: Viene a vender barcos y helicópteros, dice la información.
JP: Está buscando romper la integración latinoamericana y crear con Macri y otros políticos más, alguna forma de integrar a América Latina como subordinada a la Unión Europea. Hollande trabaja con Alemania e Inglaterra, la derecha fuerte que busca conquistar mercados en Latinoamérica y romper la unidad que viene de años atrás a partir del liderazgo del ex presidente Hugo Chávez. No hay que esperar nada progresista de este pseudo socialista.
MAB: Ya que nombraste a Macri, ha habido muchas movilizaciones, el sábado una muy grande convocada por los artistas, y el gobierno sigue adelante.
JP: Sí. Ya empezaron las movilizaciones, pero en poco tiempo van a ver que Macri no tiene ningún interés en contar con apoyo popular, sólo va a contar con sus poderes ejecutivos, la fuerza, las balas de goma; buscará cambiar el sistema judicial, las reglas de comunicación. Es un proyecto claramente bonapartista.
Macri busca la forma de concentrar todos los poderes y utilizarlos para entregar el país. Ya ofreció a los fondos buitre en EEUU seis mil millones de dólares en compensación, que es cinco veces más que el valor oficial de los Bonos. Y para eso, los buitres en Nueva York dicen que no es suficiente, quieren todo.Y como encuentran un interlocutor que les ofrece todo lo que quieren, por qué no pedir más. Es el dilema de Macri ahora, ha dado muchas concesiones al capital extranjero y quieren más, y él tiene que encontrar la fórmula de entregar el dinero sin generar conflictos.
Pero estamos en una época pre insurreccional. En seis meses o un año, estas políticas de Macri van a provocar movilizaciones, huelgas generales y va a culminar en una toma de las ciudades y el bloqueo de las autopistas, con piqueteros como en el año 2001-2002.
El camino de Macri es hacia un enfrentamiento masivo. Hoy hay marchas, mañana huelgas generales, y luego una insurrección. Porque es un extremista, tiene el apoyo completo de Wall Street, de la City inglesa; los diarios son los voceros de Macri, publicitan todo lo que hace Macri para favorecer al capital. Pero eso representa sólo el 15 o 20% de los argentinos que está apoyándolo, pero ellos no controlas las calles y mucho menos las organizaciones populares.
Texto completo en:
Hollande au Pérou, première étape de sa tournée en Amérique latine ( :
"A la mi-journée, François Hollande sera reçu au palais présidentiel par son homologue, le nationaliste de gauche Ollanta Humala, dont le mandat s'achève cette année." Nationaliste de gauche ou néolibéral de droite ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Orange, champion de la langue de bois.
Et à propos du TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) qui a été ratifié le 4 février 2016 à Auckland entre les USA et ses 11 pays alliés dans le Pacifique, dont le Pérou, le Mexique et le Chili:
Protesters are worried that the TPP is less about jobs and more about big business and corporate greed. Photo: BBC.
Colombian court bans oil, gas and mining operations in paramos (David Hill / Andes to Amazon / The Guardian)
Colombia’s Constitutional Court has ruled against a controversial legal loophole permitting oil, gas and mining operations in the country’s paramos - high altitude eco-systems. Colombia’s paramos are the most extensive on earth and supply more than 70% of the country’s population with water, according to the Bogota-based Alexander von Humboldt Institute.
The loophole is in a June 2015 law implementing Colombia’s “National Development Plan 2014-2018.” The law prohibits “agricultural activities” and the “exploration for or exploitation of non-renewable natural resources”, as well as the “construction of oil and gas refineries”, in paramos, but then states that mining operations which have contracts and environmental licenses dating to before 9 February 2010, or oil and gas operations with contracts and licenses dating to before 16 June 2011, are exempted.
This was challenged by four congressmen, three lawyers and 12 representatives from a coalition called the Cumbre Agraria, Campesina, Étnica y Popular, who argued that the loophole violates rights to the environment, water and Colombia’s patrimony because of the impacts oil, gas and mining operations would have on the paramos’ vegetation, soil, sub-soil and water. On 8 February the court’s ruling, which was made public on Thursday, deemed three paragraphs relating to the loophole in the June 2015 law “unconstitutional” - or “inexequible” in Colombian Spanish.
“Paramo eco-systems exist in very few places in the world and Colombia is privileged to be the country that has the highest number of paramos globally,” senator Alberto Castillo, one of the plaintiffs, told the Guardian.“Because of this, we believe that the absolute ban on natural resource extraction that we now have in Colombia is of great magnitude and should delight the world.”
“It’s a ruling that will make history,” says senator Iván Cepeda, another plaintiff. “The court went further than we hoped, without a doubt. [Mining and oil and gas operations in the paramos] is a serious abuse against natural resources, especially the fundamental right to water.”
“The court’s ruling is a major advance in environmental matters,” Viviana Tacha, another plaintiff and an adviser to senator Castillo, told the Guardian. “No doubt about it, it’s a victory for the entire country and for the communities resisting the imposition of a development model based on natural resource extraction which fails to take into account the environment and local people. Given global concern about climate change, the protection of the paramos by the court is one of the most important recent decisions on environmental matters.”
According to a communiqué by the court issued on 8 February, the offending three paragraphs “ignore the constitutional duty to protect areas of special ecological importance [and] put at risk the fundamental rights of the entire population to access good quality water.”
The communiqué says the court arrived at its decision after “analyzing the state’s power to intervene in the economy and its duty to protect areas of special ecological importance, weighing them up against economic freedom and the rights of individuals to exploit the state’s resources.” It concluded that, in this case, the former overrides the latter for three reasons: 1) the current lack of protection of paramos; 2) the “fundamental role” played by paramos in regulating the country’s drinking water cycle and providing cheap, high-quality water to 70% of the population; and 3) the particular vulnerability of paramos due to their “relative isolation”, low temperatures and low oxygen levels. [...]
U.S.A: pays du tiers-monde ?
"Depuis 2008-2009, les Etats Unis vivent une situation tiers-mondiste occultée par l’ensemble de la presse occidentale. Plus de 60 millions d’américains vivent de bons alimentaires distribués par l’Etat, un américain sur trois vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté."
Aux Etats-Unis, les campements de la misère s'étendent (Wikistrike)
America's homeless resort to tent cities (BBC-Panorama)
Brave New Gay World
The Gay Movement: a Trojan Horse for the New World Order
Initially, the main interventionist tool the CFR conspirators used to control the policies of other countries was the U.S. Marines.Later, however, they resorted to more subtle tools, like the Peace Corps. It seems that now the interventionist tool of choice is the gay movement, which they plan to use as a fifth column to influence the policies of foreign countries. This is why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a senior CFR agent, just recently declared that the U.S. would only provide aid to countries that support “gay rights.” [...]
The Gay Movement and the CFR's Anti-Russia PsyOp
By Servando Gonzalez
The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists
By Johann Hari
Sur le même sujet et sur le même blog:
Le drapeau arc-en-ciel des Incas:
Tigris invictus
[...] La démarche "civilisatrice", "moderne", "prométhéenne", "hérakléenne", concerne de nombreuses cultures (voir sur ce blog le 16 septembre dernier "Les gens heureux n'ont pas d'Histoire"). Elle sous - tend l'incompatibilité entre communautés humaines et animaux sauvages, les uns représentant l'Ordre, les autres le Chaos. Son épisode le plus récent (à partir de la fin du XVème siècle) a consumé nature et cultures comme un feu grégeois qui se serait comporté sur la carte du Monde comme une boule de flipper. L'affaiblissement actuel, depuis le début de ce siècle, de cette idéologie nécrosante (la "peste dévorante" dans l'atmosphère, du Richard II de W. Shakespeare...) permet le retour d'une pensée plus traditionnelle qui promeut non seulement l'image du Grand Animal Sauvage, mais aussi sa présence effective parmi les hommes.
Alain Sennepin
Extrait de l'article "Invictus" :
La catastrophe écologique et humanitaire de l'Amazonie brésilienne (Felipe Milanez x David Hill /The Guardian)
David Hill (The Guardian: Andes do Amazon) interviews Felipe Milanez, a political ecologist at the Federal University of Recôncavo of Bahia, activist, film-maker, former deputy editor of National Geographic Brazil, and the editor of the recently-published book, Memórias Sertanistas: Cem Anos de Indigenismo no Brasil.
DH: Sometimes Brazil’s Amazon is described as like the US’s old “Wild West”, in terms of violence. Is that a reasonable - or nonsense - comparison?
FM: In some ways it does make sense, this comparison, and it has also been compared with Russian expansion eastwards, as a “frontier movement”, although the contemporary “expansion” in the Amazon is technically an invasion and was started by the brutal military dictatorship in the late 1960s and 1970s. It has been a humanitarian catastrophe for indigenous peoples and local collectives - even today genocides are happening - and caused an ecological holocaust. But the Amazon frontier is incomparably more violent then the US’s, incomparably more unequal and unjust to the poor, and a great source of income to land grabbers and big international capital extracting natural resources. In the US expanding the frontier was planned in a democracy, but in Brazil, in the Amazon, it was done during a dictatorship. What is astonishing is that our current democracy hasn’t made the life of the people living in the forest any easier: indigenous and traditional peoples don’t have the right to be consulted about what affects them and their territories, and they’re still seen as being disposable. And the violence is now increasing, as there is an increase in land grabbing, mining and mega-dam-building. Such economic investments are made in contradiction to social rights in the Constitution.
DH: You say “humanitarian catastrophe.” Can you elaborate?
FM: I mean the genocides, ethnocides, epistemicides, slavery, forced displacement of social groups, dispossession and the disruption of social systems. This is happening today in different parts of Brazil. From 2003 to 2014 there were 390 Indians killed in Mato Grosso do Sul, mostly Kaiowa Guarani, fundamentally in conflict with ranchers and soya plantations. The Guarani consider this genocide. And to combat falling commodity prices, the government now wants to increase extraction of natural resources such as iron ore and weaken indigenous rights and the rights of nature. The Belo Monte mega-dam alone affects 12 indigenous lands and 21 maroon communities. I’ve seen the recently-contacted Arara coming to Altamira, treated by the consortium building the dam as beggars. One Arara community has been completely dysfunctional for the past 4 years: their land has been invaded, with increasingly high levels of deforestation and illegal logging associated with the pressure of building the mega-dam.
DH: And “ecological holocaust”?
FM: I mean the destruction of environments: almost 20% of Brazil’s Amazon and 45% of the Cerrado - the savannah - are deforested, while the main tributaries of the Amazon from the eastern border of Peru and the Andes have around 150 proposed dams, and from the southern banks of the R. Amazon big rivers such as the Tocantins, Xingu, Madeira, Teles Pires and now the Tapajos have been or are being dammed. Last year there were 40,000 fires in indigenous lands in just one state, Maranhão, while the Xingu Park, surrounded by soya plantations, is burning every year. For the first time in their history, the Kuikuro have witnessed a typhoon on their land.
DH: You’ve touched on some of the major “drivers” of these horrors: logging, ranching, charcoal, iron ore, soya and mega-dams. Any others? Who are some of the most feared operators and who’s financing a lot of it?
FM: Capital expansion is certainly the main driver, but it doesn’t work alone. Local histories of violence, state lack of responsibility to the poor, elite privileges and racism are other ingredients. Recent developmentalism has been pushed by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) playing the role that the World Bank did during the dictatorship, financing huge slaughterhouses and mega-dams. In the most violent region, southern Pará, where Zé Cláudio and Maria were killed, the main driver of blood today is the expansion of iron ore mining by Vale, the S11D project, and its infrastructure, such as the expansion of the Carajás railway. Vale was privatized in 1997, a moment of neoliberalism expansion in Brazil that continues strongly today. It has promised to invest around US$15 billion in S11D, but only big ranchers, who have grabbed public land, benefit from Vale’s local investments. Both the PLC and MST claim these ranchers are hiring militias and gunmen to keep the landless out of the company’s sight. And Vale doesn’t pay regular taxes in Brazil due to export incentives, and provides minimal compensation to local communities. The main result is violent land conflict with peasants and indigenous communities. One “Hawk” Indian leader I met last year has described Vale as an “ogre”.